
Deal-by-deal investing made simple.

Interactive Demo

Find out for yourself how our Syndicate platform works with this interactive demo. Just provide your name and email address to access!

Transform how you manage deals and engage investors

Sydecar's Syndicate platform streamlines the way syndicate leads manage deals and engage investors. This powerful tool centralizes all key activities, from member communication to deal tracking, in one intuitive place. It eliminates inefficiencies and provides a seamless experience that scales with your growth.

Sydecar keeps your deals and LPs private. This means that your investment opportunities are only seen by individuals that you personally invite to participate. This also means that you control the relationship with your investor network, and Sydecar doesn’t send your investors opportunities to invest with other syndicates or VCs.

Our Platform Handles

Invitation links & investor onboarding

Private data rooms

Accreditation checks

Seamless carry sharing

Contact Management

End-to-end SPV execution

Investor communication tools

Instant banking

K-1s & taxes

Complete back-office management

Investments Into Pass-Through Entities
($2500 surcharge)

Non-US Investments ($1,000 surcharge)

Our Platform Handles

Invitation links & investor onboarding

Private data rooms

Accreditation checks

Seamless carry sharing

Contact Management

End-to-end SPV execution

Investor communication tools

Instant banking

K-1s & taxes

Complete back-office management

Investments Into Pass-Through Entities ($2500 surcharge)

Non-US Investments ($1,000 surcharge)

Our Platform Handles

Invitation links & investor onboarding

Private data rooms

Accreditation checks

Seamless carry sharing

Contact Management

End-to-end SPV execution

Investor communication tools

Instant banking

K-1s & taxes

Complete back-office management

Investments Into Pass-Through Entities
($2500 surcharge)

Non-US Investments ($1,000 surcharge)

Introducing Sydecar’s Syndicate Platform

Introducing Sydecar’s
Syndicate Platform

Introducing Sydecar’s
Syndicate Platform

Discover how Sydecar's all-in-one Syndicate platform simplifies deal management and investor engagement.

Managing Syndicate Operations with Sydecar

Managing Syndicate
Operations with Sydecar

Managing Syndicate
Operations with Sydecar

Read about Gabriel Jarrosson, Managing Partner at Lobster Capital, who streamlined managing one of France’s largest angel syndicates using Sydecar’s powerful syndicate platform.


Sydecar's fees are typically passed on to your investors. Sydecar's SPV fees will be automatically calculated and added to your target raise.




2% of total funds raised by the SPV*

$4,500 min / $12,500 max (10 year initial term)


$1,000 payable at the first distribution


Included in SPV Fee up to $1,500 then passed to investors

* Example

Total Raise




Sydecar fees (2% of total)

Sydecar fees

(2% of total)

- $5,000

- $5,000

- $5,000



