Diving Into Data: What Fund Terms are Emerging Managers Using?
Here at Sydecar, we are passionate about unlocking valuable insights on venture capital through a data lens. Looking to better understand how funds are structuring themselves in today’s market, we analyzed data from funds on our Fund+ product launched in the last two quarters to uncover patterns in fund manager decisions. From determining your target fund size to landing on the right fee structure for your investor base, we hope this report gives you the data you need to set the expectations with limited partners and go to market with confidence.
What does the sample look like?
Majority first-time managers
Average fund size of $5M
A standard fee structure of 2% management and 20% carry
Minimum commitments set around $10K
Deeper data points in the sample for each fund:
Management Fee Period
Investment Period
Fund Term
Count, Mean, Median, and Funds Committed